‘Board Minutes’ Category


Annual Meeting Minutes

Napa-Sonoma USBC

Minutes of Annual Meeting – August 15, 2021, @ Napa Bowl

Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm

15 Association members present, including 5 Board members – President Patrick Havens, Vice President Steven Lederer, and Directors Becci Huffman, Renee Robles, and Staci Taylor.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by President Havens.

Minutes – President Havens read the minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting. There being no discussion, Vice President Lederer motioned to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.

President – President Havens discussed the newer rules in effect – weight holes and chemical use on balls. Weight holes are no longer allowed on balls, and must be plugged. The pro shop is plugging weight holes for $15. Also, no chemicals can be used during play, with the exception of isopropyl alcohol being currently allowed by USBC because of covid.

Richard Kokal stated that thumb holes must be plugged if not in use. President Havens confirmed that, and said that all gripping holes must be filled with thumb/fingers, and those not using a thumb hole must mark on the ball where the center of the palm would be.

Pat Zuffinetti asked who is policing these new rules. President Havens said that the league officers were the ones responsible for knowing the new rules, and enforcing them. Richard Kokal stated that thumb holes must also be plugged if not used.

President Havens talked about the changes with the officers from the last meeting, explaining that Steven Lederer stepped down as President and Patrick Havens replacing him as President, with Steven taking the role of Vice President.

President Havens also discussed the upcoming season, with masks required when entering Napa Bowl, but not needed while on the lanes. Richard Kokal asked if the center would be using lane spacing. President Havens said that they would not.

Dave Ellingson asked about what averages would leagues be using. President Havens explained that each league would need to decide that on their own.

Vice President Lederer asked if 2019-2020 season averages were reported. Manager Kelley said that they were. Nita Calhoun asked about membership pricing. President Havens said the price ($23) is the same.

Renee Robles asked about linage changes. Patrick Havens answered that the pricing would be the same.

Manager – Manager Kelley presented the membership numbers from the last 3 seasons, and the financial statements for the past 2 seasons.

Pat Zuffinetti asked what USBC considered the breaking point for the membership numbers. Manager Kelley did not have that information as USBC has not made that public, but did explain that USBC has some cash reserves in case numbers do not rebound immediately.

Vice President Lederer said that we should encourage prior bowlers to return to bowling. Manager Kelley added that there has been an influx of new bowlers buying equipment in Rohnert Park, and hoping that the same might be happening in Napa. These bowlers should be encouraged to join leagues as well. Becci Huffman asked if that was indeed the case in Napa, and President Havens explained that Napa Bowl has been full most days. Pat

Zuffinetti asked what effort was being made to promote leagues. President Havens stated that there were flyers posted around the bowling center, and that there were scrolling messages on the monitors.



Unfinished Business


New Business

President Havens announced the proposed by-laws amendment to allow virtual board meetings and voting.

Don Ramsay asked about whether local awards could be allowed yearly instead of lifetime. President Havens said that we could look at what the costs would be and make a decision on that at the end of the upcoming season.

Vice President Lederer added that USBC isn’t just about awards – it’s about having a national governing body that gives us rules and tournaments, among other things.

Don Ramsay then asked where the $8 local fees is being spent. President Havens explained that the money goes to youth memberships, awards, and the manager’s salary.

Election/Nomination Committee – due to not being able to hold a meeting in 2020, all officer and director spots were up for election. Vice-President and all directors that were renewed in 2020 would have a 1-year term, expiring in 2022. President and all other directors would have a 2-year term, expiring in 2023.

Proposal #1 – amend the bylaws to allow the board to vote via mail, email, or teleconference in emergency or urgent situations.

Election Results – Angela Robles was assigned Sergeant-at-Arms for the collection and counting of the votes.

President (2 years) – Patrick Havens Vice President (1 year) – Steven Lederer

Directors (2 years) – Joshua Fjelman, Paul Fjellman, Staci Taylor, Tracy Wyckoff Directors (1 year) – Rhoda Campbell, Becci Huffman, Jose Mendoza, Renee Robles

Proposal #1 – passed.

With no further business to discuss, President Havens adjourned the meeting at 7:02 pm.


November 2016 Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


November 20, 2016



Call to Order:  President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.


Pledge of Allegiance:  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Lederer


Roll Call:  Roll Call was made by Tracy Wyckoff .


Present:  Tracy Wyckoff,  Steve Lederer, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, and Patrick Havens.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens Ariana Nijem, Sophie Cravea, and Melody Neal.


Excused:    Jose Mendoza, Bill Pressey, Dianne Bartke, Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Becci Huffman and Renee Robles

Unexcused:  Shirl Briscoe Mendoza.


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made to accept the minutes by Patrick Havens and seconded by Steve Lederer.  Motion Passed.


Association Manager’s Report:    Due to Dianne’s absence no report was given.


President’s Report:    Tracy announced we would follow Roberts Rules of Order.  She passed out the revised Committee Assignments.  They were discussed and Paul asked to be removed from the audit committee also the IT committee and placed on the Fundraising Committee along with Joshua.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:  Tax forms are ready to sign and mail.  Two checks were approved: $1,750 for BVL Jr. Winners for scholarships, and a check to Dianne for 4th Qtr. Salary.


Lane Inspections:  May have located a donation of a lane reader, computer and printer.  Steve located very inexpensive MS Office program ($30) instead of list price of nearly $300.00.


City Tournament: Rules for the Tournament are ready to go, approved at General Meeting on November 5th (where they really or did we decide they didn’t need to be?); will be sent to Patrick for posting on the website; will do 50/50 raffles in weeks leading to the tournament to bolster the prize fund.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures:  None


Nor. Cal and Travel:  Nor Cal will be at Sacramento for December.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook:  None


BVL:  Very Successful; 57 bowlers, >$700 raised; most prize checks have been distributed and the last few will be in the next week.


Membership:  None


Scholarship:   $1,750 given out in conjunction with BVL.


Youth Program:  Added a couple of new bowlers, going well, will be voting on youth 2nd vice president.


Board Social:   None


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  Reminder of the adult./Jr. no-tap on the Saturday after Thanksgiving weekend


Next Board Meeting will be:  January 22, 2017 at 10:00 am.


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned in memory of Barbara Desoto Long at: 10:25 am.


October Board Meeting Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association




October 30, 2016



Call to Order:  President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.


Pledge of Allegiance:  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Lederer


Roll Call:  Assoc. Mgr. Dianne Bartke called roll.


Present:  Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Steve Lederer, Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens,  Becci Huffman and Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens and Melody Neal


Excused:    Jose Mendoza, and Bill Pressey


Unexcused:  Shirl Briscoe Mendoza and Ariana Nijem.


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made to accept the minutes with noted corrections by Patrick Havens and seconded by Steve Lederer.


Association Manager’s Report:   Dianne reported that there were three bills to be paid. The up-coming BVL Tournament was discussed.  Dianne passed out the preliminary City Tournament Rules and asked for discussion.  Many errors were pointed out and accepted them with the needed corrections.  The corrected copies will be presented at the general meeting on November 5th.


President’s Report:    Tracy announced we would follow Roberts Rules of Order.  She passed out the revised Committee Assignments.  They were discussed and Paul asked to be removed from the audit committee and placed on the Fundraising Committee along with Joshua.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:  Dianne announced that there would be Shoe bags, bowling bags, pins, and wine glasses for sale at the BVL Tournament. The BVL pin sales would be donated to BVL and the rest of the sales would go to the association.


Lane Inspections:  None


City Tournament: Rules for the Tournament were discussed and will be voted on at the general meeting on November 5th.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures:  None


Nor. Cal and Travel:  Nor Cal will be at Travis AFB for November.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook:  The  newsletter is going to be published in a short while.  It will be put on the web site as well as the minutes after the board meetings approval.


BVL:  Dianne said that any board members that were not bowling would be welcome to help with the tournament.


Membership:  None


Scholarship:   None


Youth Program:  Patrick that 4 Jr. Bowlers has come to join our Jr. Program.  He also reported that Dan Roberts would be willing to accept the position of Adult member on the Youth Committee. A motion was made and Seconded by Paul and Becci to accept Dan for the Youth Committee.  The motion passed.


Board Social:


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  Becci brought up the subject of Association shirts and after some discussion a motion was made to pay for Becci’s Association shirt.  Motion made by Paul and seconded by Steve.  Motion passed.  Renee reported on the Women’s Travel league to be held in Tracy and in November will be in Stockton.  TheWomen’s 500 club held their 48th tournament on October 2, with 12 bowlers and made $240.00.


New Business:  None.


Next Board Meeting will be:  November 20, 2016 at 9:30 am.


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at:  10:49 am.


September Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


September 25, 2016



Call to Order:  President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:38 am.


Pledge of Allegiance:  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rhoda Campbell


Roll Call:  Assoc. Mgr. Dianne Bartke called roll.


Present:  Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Andrea Nijem, Rhoda Campbell, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens,  Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Ariana Nijem


Excused:   Steve Lederer, Jose Mendoza, Bill Pressey Doug Campbel, Becci Huffman, Melody Neal.


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made to accept the minutes by Patrick Havens and seconded by Rhoda Campbell..


Association Manager’s Report:   Dianne reported that there was only one bill to pay for third quarter manager’s salary.  Motion made by Patrick, seconded by Paul motion passed to pay the bill.  Dianne also reported that as of the end of September we had 279 bowlers certified and 43 junior bowlers.


President’s Report:    Tracy announced we would follow Roberts Rules of Order according to the new updated version that anyone could find on Bowl.com.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:  Under Fundraising Dianne reported that a group of ladies were making shoe bags for bowling shoes to be sold at the BVL Finals Tournament.


Lane Inspections:  Completed and the house has received the new Certificate.


City Tournament: Rules will be out in November for the Fall General Meeting for members to vote on.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures:  None


Nor. Cal and Travel:  Patrick reported for Steve that Steve had bowled a 300 game at the last Nor Cal meeting. And the Napa Team had won 3 of 4 games.  The next Nor Cal will be at Petaluma.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook:  None


BVL:  Dianne reported that sign-ups will begin on Oct. 16 thru the 22nd.  Qualifying will be Oct. 23 thru Nov. 3, and Finals will be on November 13.


Membership:  Rhoda reported that she was in talks with Vallejo to join our leagues.


Scholarship:   None


Youth Program:  Patrick reported that it was going well.


Board Social:   Dianne said she would be the chairman for the Board Social at the end of the season.


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  It was decided to have a general meeting to vote on city Tournament Rules on November 5 at 12 noon in meeting room 3.


Next Board Meeting will be:  October 30, 2016 at 9:30 am.


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at:  10:35 am.


August Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


August 28, 2016



Call to Order:  New President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:34 am.


Pledge of Allegiance:  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice President Steve Lederer


Roll Call:  Assoc. Mgr. Dianne Bartke called roll.


Present:  Tracy Wyckoff, Steve Lederer, Dianne Bartke, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza, Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens, Becci Huffman, Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Melody Neal


Excused:   Andrea Nijem, Jose Mendoza, Bill Pressey and Ariana Nijem.


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes as read.


Association Manager’s Report:   Dianne reported that two bills need to be paid:  Minuteman Press          for patches to the City Tournament Banner and one for Association Manager’s salary.  Financial statement was no activity for the month of August and the balance in the checkbook was $3,655.38 and the scholarship account had $44,225.44.  Sign-ups for Committees and League Reps were passed to have board member sign up.


President’s Report:    President Tracy thanked the board for their up-coming help and appreciated their support.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:  Dianne reported that all but the current taxes have been completed and mailed to the IRS, all forms to the State Attorney General were up-to-date and mailed.  The budget for 2016-17 had an error in the figuring and Dianne said she would check on the error and report on it at the next meeting.


Lane Inspections:  Lane inspection was completed on August 21, and a big thank you to the lane inspection committee for all of their help.


City Tournament: Rules will be out in November for the Fall General Meeting for members to vote on.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures:  Steve announced that he will be getting his committee together as soon as he has a chance to look over the old policy and procedures as well as the ones recommended by USBC.


Nor. Cal and Travel:  Steve asked that anyone wanting to be substitutes on the travel team could sign up with him.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook:  Patrick announced that we had received 128 hits on our Facebook page and 78 for June, 61 in July and August had 36.  The biggest month so far has been April with 134.


BVL:  Rules will be ready for the September meeting.  Qualifying will start October 16th and sign-ups begin on October 9th.  Final qualifiers for State will be held on November 13th.


Membership:  None



Scholarship:   None


Youth Program:  The fall Jr. Bowler program will start on Sept. 10th.  Sign-ups on Sept. 3rd.


Board Social:   None


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  None


Next Board Meeting will be:  September 25, 2016 at 9:30 am.


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at:  10:35 am.


July 31st Association Meeting Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


July 31, 2016



Call to Order:  Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:34


Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Tracy Wyckoff


Roll Call:  Roll was called by Dianne


Present:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Doug Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Becci Huffman, Sandi Davis, Patrick Havens, Steve Lederer,  Pierre Plumel and Renee Robles.


Excused:  Jose Mendoza, Bill Presey, Joshua Fjellman and Paul Fjellman.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Andrea Nijem, Ariana Nijem and Melody Neal


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made by Becci Huffman seconded by Patrick to accept the minutes with corrections.  Motion passed.


Association Manager’s Report:  Dianne reported that there was a balance in the checking account of $3,643.23 and the Scholarship had $44,223.68.


President’s Report:  Dan thanked everyone for a great 12 years.


Committee Reports

Audit/Finance/Fundraising:   Dianne presented three budget proposals for the upcoming year.  There was some discussion on the three proposals.  Ballots were passed out and the Association members voted to accept the second proposal which had a $1.00 increase in local dues.

Lane Inspections:  Will be done on August 7th at 9:00 am.

City Tournament: Dianne announced that City Tournament will be held on March 4th and 5th.  Jr. City Tournament will be held on February 11th and 12th.  More information to follow.

Legislative/Policy and Procedures: The new by-laws were presented, discussion followed and ballots were passed out to Association members and the vote to accept the new by laws passed.

Nor. Cal and Travel:   Steve Lederer reported that the Napa Team placed 2nd.  A new team for next season needs to be formed and anyone wishing to bowl in Nor Cal should contact Steve.  For the 2016-17 season Napa will be hosting the Nor Cal League in May 2017.

Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook.  Patrick reported that Tracy had the information from Pat John and as soon as she could get it to him he would be able to finish everything.

BVL:  Will be held in November 12th.  More information to come as the time gets closer.

Membership:  None

Scholarship:    None

Youth Program:  Patrick reported that the Youth season will consist of 27 weeks instead of 25.

Board Social:  The social was cancelled.

Nominating:  None


Old Business:  Certificates of appreciation was given to Dan Roberts, Sandi Davis and Pierre Plumel for the many years of service to the Association.  We wish them well in their next ventures.


New Business:  None


Next Board Meeting will be August 28, 2016


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at 10:58 am.


June 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


June 26, 2016



Call to Order:  Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:34


Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Tracy Wyckoff


Roll Call:  Roll called by Dianne


Present:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza, Becci Huffman, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens, Steve Lederer,  Pierre Plumel.


Excused:  Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Sandra Davis, Becci Huffman, Jose Mendoza, Bill Presey, Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Excused:  Andrea Nijem, Ariana Nijem and Melody Neal


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made by Patrick, seconded by Steve Lederer to accept the minutes with corrections.  Motion passed.


Association Manager’s Report:  Dianne reported that there was a balance in the checking account of $4,007.12 and the Scholarship had $44,221.86.  Dianne also talked about needing to form a committee for fund raising events. The subject was discussed and then voted on and the fundraising committee was added as part of the Audit and Finance.  Dianne also suggested a raise in our local association dues in order to cover expenses next year.  This is due to declining leagues and bowlers.


President’s Report:  Dan gave a short report since we were short of time.  Will have more for the next meeting in July.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:   No Report


Lane Inspections:  Will be done in August.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures: Tracy reported that the by-laws were completed and that a general meeting needed to be held in July to vote on the changes.  Bowlers will be notified of the meeting.


Nor. Cal and Travel:   Steve Lederer reported that the Sweeper for Nor Cal will be held at the Fireside Lanes in Sacramento on July 10.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook.  Patrick reported that Tracy had the information from Pat John and as soon as she could get it to him he would be able to finish everything.


BVL:  Will be held in November.


Membership:  None


Scholarship:    None


Youth Program:  None


Board Social:  Dianne gave out invitations for the “Hail and Farewell” Pot Luck dinner to be held on July 31, at the Napa Valley Mobile Home Park at 4 pm.


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  Jose presented information for anyone who would like to join the Match Club.  See him for details.


Next Board Meeting will be July 31, 2016


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.


May 2016 Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association

Corrected MINUTES

May 22, 2016


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:37


Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Tracy Wyckoff


Roll Call:  Roll called by Dianne


Present:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza, Doug Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Sandi Davis, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens, Steve Lederer, Becci Huffman, Jose Mendoza, Pierre Plumel, Bill Pressey, Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Excused:  Andrea Nijem, Ariana Nijem and Melody Neal


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made by Patrick, seconded by Becci to accept the minutes with corrections.  Motion passed.


Association Manager’s Report:  Dianne reported that there was a balance in the checking account of $4,258.34 and the Scholarship had $44,219.97.  Dianne also talked about needing to form some committees for fund raising events.


President’s Report:  Dan announced the fund raising tournament for “EZ”, on June 11, to help family with expenses after he is transferred to a bay area hospital.  Dan then introduced Dan and Jason Sousa. Dan Sousa gave a report on the increase in lineage for the coming year.  Day Leagues will be $12.00, Sr. Leagues will be $11.00 and Night Leagues will be $13.50 and Youth lineage will increase by $1.00. He also reported on the increases for open bowling.  Dan reported that minimum wage will be increasing to $15.00 an hour.


Committee Reports:


Audit and Finance:   Dianne reported that to do an outside audit would cost at least $1,000.00. She is checking into some firms that can do the audit for that amount or less.


Lane Inspections:  Jose reported that lane inspections will be held during the first part of August.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures: Tracy reported that the by-laws were being worked on and a report would be given as soon as the committee had finished up-dating them.


Nor. Cal and Travel:   Steve Lederer reported that the Napa Team is in first place and the next meet will be on June 5, in Pacifica.

Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook.  Patrick reported that Pat John will be giving him some information for the Year Book.


BVL:  Will be held in November.


Membership:  None


Scholarship:  Tracy reported that one application has been received from Michael Esquebel and the committee approved his application and a motion was made by Patrick and seconded by Multiples to accept Michael’s application.


Youth Program:  Dan reported that he is having an Adult-Jr. league starting Monday, June 6th. A scholarship league is possible for the Fall.


Board Social:  Dianne reported that she is working on the Social. More details will be given next month.


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  Jose presented information for anyone who would like to join the Match Club.  See him for details.


Next Board Meeting will be June 26


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.


March-April Board Meeting Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


April 3, 2016


Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:31am

Pledge of Allegiance:  Dan Roberts led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Present were:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Patrick Havens, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza, Sandra Davis, Steve Lederer, Rene Robles, Paul Fjellman, Rhoda Campbell, Douglas Campbell and Becci Huffman.

Jr. Board Members:   Joseph Havens.

Excused:    Jose Mendoza, Pierre Plumel, Bill Pressey, Andrea Nijem, Ariana Nijem and Melody Neal.

Reading and Approval of Minutes:

Minutes were read.  Motion made by Sandra Davis and seconded by Patrick Havens to accept minutes as read.

Association Managers Report:   Dianne reported that there was $5,449.96 the checking account and $45,216.24 in the scholarship fund. The bills were presented to the board and motions were made, seconded and passed to pay them.

Presidents Report:   Dan officially welcomed Dianne Bartke as Association manager

Committee Reports:

Audit and Finance:  Dianne now has the books and an audit will be completed as soon as possible and checked by a certified accountant.

Lane Inspection:  Completed.

City Tournament:  Since there was no City Tournament this year, we held a Senior City Tournament.  We had two teams, and 12 doubles and singles.  Everyone had a good time bowling and said to watch out for next year.

Legislative/Policy and procedures:  Tracy Wyckoff will be holding a committee meeting soon to go over by-laws to make necessary changes so that our by-laws will be up to date.

Nor. Cal and Travel: The travel team will be heading to Manteca right after the meeting and the next meet will be in Napa in May.

Publicity/Promotional/Historical:   Still needs some work.

BVL:  Dianne talked to Dan Sousa and reported that he is willing to let us have a BVL tournament and suggested that the proceeds be given to Pathways at the Veterans Home since they have lost all of their funding.  Dianne will get a committee together to plan a tournament.

Membership:  No report

Scholarship:  Tracy reported that we have received one application so far and will get her committee together to go over the scholarship.

Youth Program:  Dan said that 23 Jr. Bowlers qualified for the Pepsi regional tournament to be held in Sacramento.  Raheem Tyson placed second in Sacramento and will receive a scholarship.

Board Social:  Tabled at this time.

Nominating:  Dianne said that she has received several new applications for Directors and all candidates will be presented to the members at the general meeting on April 24, and elections will be held for President, 1st Vice President, and Board of Directors at the meeting.

Old Business:   State convention will be held in Redding in June and Tracy Wyckoff, Patrick Havens, and Steve Lederer will be attending.  National Convention in Las Vegas, April 26th through April 29th will be attended by Dianne Bartke and Steve Lederer.  A motion was made by Patrick Havens that the association pay for their hotel and air fare to the national convention.  Seconded by multiple board members.  Motion passed.

New Business:  A motion was made by Sandra Davis to send Tracy Wyckoff, Patrick Havens and Steve Lederer to the state convention in Redding.  Motion was seconded by multiple board members.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned10:39 am


Date:   Sunday April 24, 2016

Time:     9:30 am 

Place:   Meeting Room # 2


February 29th USBC Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


February 29, 2016


Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:35am

Pledge of Allegiance:  Dan Roberts led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:  

Present were:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Patrick Havens, Pierre Plumel, Sandra Davis, Bill Pressey, Rhoda Campbell, Douglas Campbell and Paul Fjellman.

Jr. Board Members:  Ariana Nijem, Andrea Nijem, Joseph Havens, Melody Neal.

Excused:    Jose Mendoza, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza and Renee Robles

Reading and Approval of Minutes:

Minutes were read.  Motion made by Patick Havens and seconded by Pierre Plumel to accept minutes as read.

Association Managers Report:   Dianne reported that there was $6,883.98 the checking account and $45,214.32 in the scholarship fund.

Presidents Report:  Dan reported that Brian Mecham resigned effective January 30, 2016 due to family needs.  Applications for a new Association Manager will be posted with a closing date of February 12, 2016.  Dan Announced that he would be resigning after elections at the general meeting and Pierre Plumel will also be resigning at that time.

Committee Reports:

Audit and Finance:  Dianne now has the books and is working on an audit.

Lane Inspection:  Completed.

City Tournament:  City tournament was cancelled due to the changing of Assistant Managers and there was not sufficient time to properly advertise and put a tournament together.  It was decided to have a Senior City Tournament and a BVL tournament.

Legislative/Policy and procedures:  No Report

Nor. Cal and Travel

Publicity/Promotional/Historical:   Dianne to give Patrick last years book.

BVL:  Dianne will start work on a BVL tournament.

Membership:  Becci Huffman and Douglas Campbell were introduced to the board and accepted as temporary directors until the official elections in April.

Scholarship:  Dan reported that the scholarship forms have been sent to the various schools for students to apply for our bowling scholarship.

Youth Program:  Patrick reported that the Jr. City Tournament was very successful and that there were three six hundred series bowled.

Board Social:  Tabled at this time.

Nominating:  The nominating committee will be gathering all applications for officers and directors to place on the ballot at the general meeting to be held on April 24, 2016.

Old Business:   None to report

New Business:  It was suggested that a new computer be bought for the association to replace the outdated one that can no longer function for the association’s business.  Patrick said he could probably get one for approximately $300 to 350.  A motion was made and seconded by several people to spend $300 for a new computer.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned10:41 am



Date:   Sunday March 20, 2016

Time:    9:30 am 

Place:   Room off of the Coffee Shop



A special board meeting was held to vote on some new equipment for the association.  A motion was made by Pierre Plumel and seconded by Patrick Havens.  Motion passed.