November 2016 Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


November 20, 2016



Call to Order:  President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.


Pledge of Allegiance:  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Lederer


Roll Call:  Roll Call was made by Tracy Wyckoff .


Present:  Tracy Wyckoff,  Steve Lederer, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, and Patrick Havens.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens Ariana Nijem, Sophie Cravea, and Melody Neal.


Excused:    Jose Mendoza, Bill Pressey, Dianne Bartke, Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Becci Huffman and Renee Robles

Unexcused:  Shirl Briscoe Mendoza.


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made to accept the minutes by Patrick Havens and seconded by Steve Lederer.  Motion Passed.


Association Manager’s Report:    Due to Dianne’s absence no report was given.


President’s Report:    Tracy announced we would follow Roberts Rules of Order.  She passed out the revised Committee Assignments.  They were discussed and Paul asked to be removed from the audit committee also the IT committee and placed on the Fundraising Committee along with Joshua.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:  Tax forms are ready to sign and mail.  Two checks were approved: $1,750 for BVL Jr. Winners for scholarships, and a check to Dianne for 4th Qtr. Salary.


Lane Inspections:  May have located a donation of a lane reader, computer and printer.  Steve located very inexpensive MS Office program ($30) instead of list price of nearly $300.00.


City Tournament: Rules for the Tournament are ready to go, approved at General Meeting on November 5th (where they really or did we decide they didn’t need to be?); will be sent to Patrick for posting on the website; will do 50/50 raffles in weeks leading to the tournament to bolster the prize fund.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures:  None


Nor. Cal and Travel:  Nor Cal will be at Sacramento for December.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook:  None


BVL:  Very Successful; 57 bowlers, >$700 raised; most prize checks have been distributed and the last few will be in the next week.


Membership:  None


Scholarship:   $1,750 given out in conjunction with BVL.


Youth Program:  Added a couple of new bowlers, going well, will be voting on youth 2nd vice president.


Board Social:   None


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  Reminder of the adult./Jr. no-tap on the Saturday after Thanksgiving weekend


Next Board Meeting will be:  January 22, 2017 at 10:00 am.


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned in memory of Barbara Desoto Long at: 10:25 am.