June 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


June 26, 2016



Call to Order:  Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:34


Pledge of Allegiance:  Led by Tracy Wyckoff


Roll Call:  Roll called by Dianne


Present:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza, Becci Huffman, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens, Steve Lederer,  Pierre Plumel.


Excused:  Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Sandra Davis, Becci Huffman, Jose Mendoza, Bill Presey, Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Excused:  Andrea Nijem, Ariana Nijem and Melody Neal


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made by Patrick, seconded by Steve Lederer to accept the minutes with corrections.  Motion passed.


Association Manager’s Report:  Dianne reported that there was a balance in the checking account of $4,007.12 and the Scholarship had $44,221.86.  Dianne also talked about needing to form a committee for fund raising events. The subject was discussed and then voted on and the fundraising committee was added as part of the Audit and Finance.  Dianne also suggested a raise in our local association dues in order to cover expenses next year.  This is due to declining leagues and bowlers.


President’s Report:  Dan gave a short report since we were short of time.  Will have more for the next meeting in July.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:   No Report


Lane Inspections:  Will be done in August.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures: Tracy reported that the by-laws were completed and that a general meeting needed to be held in July to vote on the changes.  Bowlers will be notified of the meeting.


Nor. Cal and Travel:   Steve Lederer reported that the Sweeper for Nor Cal will be held at the Fireside Lanes in Sacramento on July 10.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook.  Patrick reported that Tracy had the information from Pat John and as soon as she could get it to him he would be able to finish everything.


BVL:  Will be held in November.


Membership:  None


Scholarship:    None


Youth Program:  None


Board Social:  Dianne gave out invitations for the “Hail and Farewell” Pot Luck dinner to be held on July 31, at the Napa Valley Mobile Home Park at 4 pm.


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  Jose presented information for anyone who would like to join the Match Club.  See him for details.


Next Board Meeting will be July 31, 2016


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.