Annual Meeting Minutes

Napa-Sonoma USBC

Minutes of Annual Meeting – August 15, 2021, @ Napa Bowl

Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm

15 Association members present, including 5 Board members – President Patrick Havens, Vice President Steven Lederer, and Directors Becci Huffman, Renee Robles, and Staci Taylor.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, led by President Havens.

Minutes – President Havens read the minutes from the 2019 Annual Meeting. There being no discussion, Vice President Lederer motioned to accept the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.

President – President Havens discussed the newer rules in effect – weight holes and chemical use on balls. Weight holes are no longer allowed on balls, and must be plugged. The pro shop is plugging weight holes for $15. Also, no chemicals can be used during play, with the exception of isopropyl alcohol being currently allowed by USBC because of covid.

Richard Kokal stated that thumb holes must be plugged if not in use. President Havens confirmed that, and said that all gripping holes must be filled with thumb/fingers, and those not using a thumb hole must mark on the ball where the center of the palm would be.

Pat Zuffinetti asked who is policing these new rules. President Havens said that the league officers were the ones responsible for knowing the new rules, and enforcing them. Richard Kokal stated that thumb holes must also be plugged if not used.

President Havens talked about the changes with the officers from the last meeting, explaining that Steven Lederer stepped down as President and Patrick Havens replacing him as President, with Steven taking the role of Vice President.

President Havens also discussed the upcoming season, with masks required when entering Napa Bowl, but not needed while on the lanes. Richard Kokal asked if the center would be using lane spacing. President Havens said that they would not.

Dave Ellingson asked about what averages would leagues be using. President Havens explained that each league would need to decide that on their own.

Vice President Lederer asked if 2019-2020 season averages were reported. Manager Kelley said that they were. Nita Calhoun asked about membership pricing. President Havens said the price ($23) is the same.

Renee Robles asked about linage changes. Patrick Havens answered that the pricing would be the same.

Manager – Manager Kelley presented the membership numbers from the last 3 seasons, and the financial statements for the past 2 seasons.

Pat Zuffinetti asked what USBC considered the breaking point for the membership numbers. Manager Kelley did not have that information as USBC has not made that public, but did explain that USBC has some cash reserves in case numbers do not rebound immediately.

Vice President Lederer said that we should encourage prior bowlers to return to bowling. Manager Kelley added that there has been an influx of new bowlers buying equipment in Rohnert Park, and hoping that the same might be happening in Napa. These bowlers should be encouraged to join leagues as well. Becci Huffman asked if that was indeed the case in Napa, and President Havens explained that Napa Bowl has been full most days. Pat

Zuffinetti asked what effort was being made to promote leagues. President Havens stated that there were flyers posted around the bowling center, and that there were scrolling messages on the monitors.



Unfinished Business


New Business

President Havens announced the proposed by-laws amendment to allow virtual board meetings and voting.

Don Ramsay asked about whether local awards could be allowed yearly instead of lifetime. President Havens said that we could look at what the costs would be and make a decision on that at the end of the upcoming season.

Vice President Lederer added that USBC isn’t just about awards – it’s about having a national governing body that gives us rules and tournaments, among other things.

Don Ramsay then asked where the $8 local fees is being spent. President Havens explained that the money goes to youth memberships, awards, and the manager’s salary.

Election/Nomination Committee – due to not being able to hold a meeting in 2020, all officer and director spots were up for election. Vice-President and all directors that were renewed in 2020 would have a 1-year term, expiring in 2022. President and all other directors would have a 2-year term, expiring in 2023.

Proposal #1 – amend the bylaws to allow the board to vote via mail, email, or teleconference in emergency or urgent situations.

Election Results – Angela Robles was assigned Sergeant-at-Arms for the collection and counting of the votes.

President (2 years) – Patrick Havens Vice President (1 year) – Steven Lederer

Directors (2 years) – Joshua Fjelman, Paul Fjellman, Staci Taylor, Tracy Wyckoff Directors (1 year) – Rhoda Campbell, Becci Huffman, Jose Mendoza, Renee Robles

Proposal #1 – passed.

With no further business to discuss, President Havens adjourned the meeting at 7:02 pm.