February 29th USBC Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


February 29, 2016


Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:35am

Pledge of Allegiance:  Dan Roberts led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:  

Present were:  Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Patrick Havens, Pierre Plumel, Sandra Davis, Bill Pressey, Rhoda Campbell, Douglas Campbell and Paul Fjellman.

Jr. Board Members:  Ariana Nijem, Andrea Nijem, Joseph Havens, Melody Neal.

Excused:    Jose Mendoza, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza and Renee Robles

Reading and Approval of Minutes:

Minutes were read.  Motion made by Patick Havens and seconded by Pierre Plumel to accept minutes as read.

Association Managers Report:   Dianne reported that there was $6,883.98 the checking account and $45,214.32 in the scholarship fund.

Presidents Report:  Dan reported that Brian Mecham resigned effective January 30, 2016 due to family needs.  Applications for a new Association Manager will be posted with a closing date of February 12, 2016.  Dan Announced that he would be resigning after elections at the general meeting and Pierre Plumel will also be resigning at that time.

Committee Reports:

Audit and Finance:  Dianne now has the books and is working on an audit.

Lane Inspection:  Completed.

City Tournament:  City tournament was cancelled due to the changing of Assistant Managers and there was not sufficient time to properly advertise and put a tournament together.  It was decided to have a Senior City Tournament and a BVL tournament.

Legislative/Policy and procedures:  No Report

Nor. Cal and Travel

Publicity/Promotional/Historical:   Dianne to give Patrick last years book.

BVL:  Dianne will start work on a BVL tournament.

Membership:  Becci Huffman and Douglas Campbell were introduced to the board and accepted as temporary directors until the official elections in April.

Scholarship:  Dan reported that the scholarship forms have been sent to the various schools for students to apply for our bowling scholarship.

Youth Program:  Patrick reported that the Jr. City Tournament was very successful and that there were three six hundred series bowled.

Board Social:  Tabled at this time.

Nominating:  The nominating committee will be gathering all applications for officers and directors to place on the ballot at the general meeting to be held on April 24, 2016.

Old Business:   None to report

New Business:  It was suggested that a new computer be bought for the association to replace the outdated one that can no longer function for the association’s business.  Patrick said he could probably get one for approximately $300 to 350.  A motion was made and seconded by several people to spend $300 for a new computer.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned10:41 am



Date:   Sunday March 20, 2016

Time:    9:30 am 

Place:   Room off of the Coffee Shop



A special board meeting was held to vote on some new equipment for the association.  A motion was made by Pierre Plumel and seconded by Patrick Havens.  Motion passed.