» posted on Sunday, November 20th, 2016 at 1:00 pm by Patrick Havens
October Board Meeting Minutes
Napa Sonoma USBC Association
October 30, 2016
Call to Order: President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:35 am.
Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Steve Lederer
Roll Call: Assoc. Mgr. Dianne Bartke called roll.
Present: Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Steve Lederer, Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens, Becci Huffman and Renee Robles.
Jr. Board Members: Joseph Havens and Melody Neal
Excused: Jose Mendoza, and Bill Pressey
Unexcused: Shirl Briscoe Mendoza and Ariana Nijem.
Reading/Approval of previous minutes: Motion made to accept the minutes with noted corrections by Patrick Havens and seconded by Steve Lederer.
Association Manager’s Report: Dianne reported that there were three bills to be paid. The up-coming BVL Tournament was discussed. Dianne passed out the preliminary City Tournament Rules and asked for discussion. Many errors were pointed out and accepted them with the needed corrections. The corrected copies will be presented at the general meeting on November 5th.
President’s Report: Tracy announced we would follow Roberts Rules of Order. She passed out the revised Committee Assignments. They were discussed and Paul asked to be removed from the audit committee and placed on the Fundraising Committee along with Joshua.
Committee Reports:
Audit/Finance/Fundraising: Dianne announced that there would be Shoe bags, bowling bags, pins, and wine glasses for sale at the BVL Tournament. The BVL pin sales would be donated to BVL and the rest of the sales would go to the association.
Lane Inspections: None
City Tournament: Rules for the Tournament were discussed and will be voted on at the general meeting on November 5th.
Legislative/Policy and Procedures: None
Nor. Cal and Travel: Nor Cal will be at Travis AFB for November.
Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook: The newsletter is going to be published in a short while. It will be put on the web site as well as the minutes after the board meetings approval.
BVL: Dianne said that any board members that were not bowling would be welcome to help with the tournament.
Membership: None
Scholarship: None
Youth Program: Patrick that 4 Jr. Bowlers has come to join our Jr. Program. He also reported that Dan Roberts would be willing to accept the position of Adult member on the Youth Committee. A motion was made and Seconded by Paul and Becci to accept Dan for the Youth Committee. The motion passed.
Board Social:
Nominating: None
Old Business: Becci brought up the subject of Association shirts and after some discussion a motion was made to pay for Becci’s Association shirt. Motion made by Paul and seconded by Steve. Motion passed. Renee reported on the Women’s Travel league to be held in Tracy and in November will be in Stockton. TheWomen’s 500 club held their 48th tournament on October 2, with 12 bowlers and made $240.00.
New Business: None.
Next Board Meeting will be: November 20, 2016 at 9:30 am.
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at: 10:49 am.