August Board Minutes

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


August 28, 2016



Call to Order:  New President Tracy Wyckoff called the meeting to order at 9:34 am.


Pledge of Allegiance:  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice President Steve Lederer


Roll Call:  Assoc. Mgr. Dianne Bartke called roll.


Present:  Tracy Wyckoff, Steve Lederer, Dianne Bartke, Shirl Briscoe Mendoza, Douglas Campbell, Rhoda Campbell, Joshua Fjellman, Paul Fjellman, Patrick Havens, Becci Huffman, Renee Robles.


Jr. Board Members:  Joseph Havens, Melody Neal


Excused:   Andrea Nijem, Jose Mendoza, Bill Pressey and Ariana Nijem.


Reading/Approval of previous minutes:  Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes as read.


Association Manager’s Report:   Dianne reported that two bills need to be paid:  Minuteman Press          for patches to the City Tournament Banner and one for Association Manager’s salary.  Financial statement was no activity for the month of August and the balance in the checkbook was $3,655.38 and the scholarship account had $44,225.44.  Sign-ups for Committees and League Reps were passed to have board member sign up.


President’s Report:    President Tracy thanked the board for their up-coming help and appreciated their support.


Committee Reports:


Audit/Finance/Fundraising:  Dianne reported that all but the current taxes have been completed and mailed to the IRS, all forms to the State Attorney General were up-to-date and mailed.  The budget for 2016-17 had an error in the figuring and Dianne said she would check on the error and report on it at the next meeting.


Lane Inspections:  Lane inspection was completed on August 21, and a big thank you to the lane inspection committee for all of their help.


City Tournament: Rules will be out in November for the Fall General Meeting for members to vote on.


Legislative/Policy and Procedures:  Steve announced that he will be getting his committee together as soon as he has a chance to look over the old policy and procedures as well as the ones recommended by USBC.


Nor. Cal and Travel:  Steve asked that anyone wanting to be substitutes on the travel team could sign up with him.


Publicity/Promotions/Historical/Hall of Fame/Yearbook:  Patrick announced that we had received 128 hits on our Facebook page and 78 for June, 61 in July and August had 36.  The biggest month so far has been April with 134.


BVL:  Rules will be ready for the September meeting.  Qualifying will start October 16th and sign-ups begin on October 9th.  Final qualifiers for State will be held on November 13th.


Membership:  None



Scholarship:   None


Youth Program:  The fall Jr. Bowler program will start on Sept. 10th.  Sign-ups on Sept. 3rd.


Board Social:   None


Nominating:  None


Old Business:  None


New Business:  None


Next Board Meeting will be:  September 25, 2016 at 9:30 am.


Adjourned:  Meeting adjourned at:  10:35 am.