October 25, 2015 Board Minutes & Announcement

Membership Meeting Sunday, December 6th in Room 3 at Napa Bowl

Voting will be done for various positions and State and National Conventions

Napa Sonoma USBC Association


October 25, 2015

Call to Order:

Meeting called to order by Dan Roberts at 9:32am

Pledge of Allegiance: Dan Roberts led us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:  

Present were: Dan Roberts, Tracy Wyckoff, Dianne Bartke, Patrick Havens, Pierre Plumel, and Paul Fjellman.

Jr. Board Members: Ariana Nijen, Andrea Nijen, Joseph Havens, Melody Wyckoff.

Excused: Steve Lederer, Jose Mendoza, Bill Pressey, and Sandi Davis.

Absent: Shirl Briscoe-Mendoza, Jackie Clayton

Reading and Approval of Minutes:

Minutes were read. Motion made by Patrick Havens to accept minutes as read, seconded by Paul Fjellman.. Minutes approved as read.

Association Managers Report:

Brian reported that the checking account had a balance of$10,438.81 and the scholarship account had a balance of $44,689.91.

Presidents Report: The new Jr. Bboard members were introduced and accepted to the association board.

Committee Reports:

Audit and Finance: No Report

Lane Inspection: Completed. Will work on getting the oil pattern stable.

City Tournament: A meeting will be held within a week to start working on city tournament.

Legislative/Policy and procedures: Tracy Wyckoff will contact committee members to set up a date to go over the by-laws.

Nor. Cal and Travel: Napa won 3 games at Vacaville. Next competition will be in Fremont on the first or second Sunday in January.

Publicity/Promotional/Historical: Patrick needs to get a copy of the yearbook. Web site is up for renewal.

BVL: A meeting of BVL committee members will be set up to start working on BVL date and rules.

Membership: No Report

Scholarship: No Report

Youth Program: All information for leagues is ready to be sent in. There was an increase in bowlers since last month’s reporting.

Board Social: Tabled at this time.

Nominating: Dianne will be selecting a committee and will report the results at the December 6th meeting.

Old Business: None to report

New Business: None

Meeting adjourned: 10:34 am



Date: Sunday, December 6, 2015

Time:   9:30 am

Place: Room off of the Coffee Shop

Updated: 12/2/15